community around the country to invest in nutrition, physical activity, strategies and in addition toto bako prevention and control. that has been replaced now by the community transformation act community care act. but to begin to implement strategies which begin accessibility of healthy foods and improved physical activity as part of those strategies. those trends are beginning turn the corner and suggested data from a number of states from around the country that the prevalence of obesity, certainly the rate of increase, has stopped and there is some suggestion that we're beginning see modest decreases in the prevalence of obesity, particularly in children, out where as i said that deficit offers much more promise than i think the strategies in adults. so the question becomes where do we go next? the -- the sustainability of the cdc programs that i've mentioned is particularly those in communities and within states is dependent on continued funding of the affordable care act, and particularly in the affordable care act, prevention of public health fund, which was supposed to grow to 1$1.5