an investigationnexposes a show horses are brian todd eports in our cover story, this morninge the humane society has released undercover videe to prove its laims oo cruelty. cruelty. it's called the 'big lick'-- an exaggerated gait that's prized at wwlking-horse competitions...sometimes, this ps how trainers get their horses to do that high-step-- it's called 'soring'... the oil-of-mustard, and even ddesel fuel,,to the ankle areas just above theii hooves. it's illegal.this is undercovee video shottlast year, by investigaaors from allegedly showing trainers at a tabll in colliersville, tennessee applying those irritants to show horses... wraaping their ankles withh tape and celllphane to 'cook' theechemicals into heir skin... putting heavy chains on the horses' feet.the animals are clearly in discomfort..the reeult: a big- lift of the feet.but that's not all..brian: "what are they doing here?dane: "this is an example of a practice called stewarringg it's teaching the horse tt stanndstill when they dd a ock inspection of the horse's feet. and if they won't stand still, if they