columnist in brussels we have graham watson he is a liberal democrat member of the european parliament for southwest england and gibraltar and in london we have dion he says the meter coppola's he is a senior lecturer at the department of politics at birkbeck college at the university of london all right folks this is cross talk that means you can jump in anytime you want rachel you wrote a very interesting article why is that a cause he was defeated in the presidential election what does this mean about centrist politics in europe in your opinion because as i pointed out in the beginning of the program we see going to the left in france we see going to the right in greece and we see a lot of governments following a lot of people are dissatisfied with the center is the center collapsing. no not at all we have to be really careful how we interpret a socialist president or a socialist party president getting elected in france because. judging by his thirty years of public office and politics all we can really tell from that background is that he's a pragmatist best best we can see there's really no hard evide