and she was great friends with general pershing and had lots of scoops during world war one. >> black jack pershing. >> yes. but what's interesting about that is just it shows you how woven into the fabric of sort of transatlantic conversation the herald was. i mean that was its origin. james gordon bennett looked and saw how many americans were coming to paris to buy the clothes, to buy the art, to live the life. and realized they need news from their home country. and they need news about their new place, europe, in a language they can understand which is english. now i mean, those americans then were the global class now. and i think we like to think that we're having, we're hosting this conversation. i like to think of it as taking place around a dinner party table just because the global dinner party can be happening anywhere. >> rose: it must be a great job to be a be an editor of a newspaper that has such an elite readership around the world i'm very lucky. >> rose: i'm always looking at whether the big ideas that are happening right in front of our eyes, what is sort of the re