of the encasement you see here today, and i'm pleased now to introduce to you design engineer jay brandenburg. jay works for the national institute of standards and technology and he'll tell you about the nist side of this project. >> probably the biggest question i always get asked is how did nist get involved with such a project. we've had a tradition of working with some of the most important documents inside the beltway, basically preserving them for both the national archives and the library of congress. this encasement itself has some unique challenges. as you can see, the document comes out at you, so it's almost a three-dimensional image. coming at you. the floating document created a lot of design and manufacturing problems to us that we were able to overcome. the design of the encasement, i don't know if it will withstand a nuclear blast, but there are a lot of inherent things that ten years ago would not have been in any encasement, you know, found around. we've made this to be able to take a lot of the expected environmental issues that could occur, even something as simple as cha