. >> charlie: jeff coombs, what's the relationship? >> he's a dear friend. jeff coombs when we first met him, had financial difficulties. he had a terrible divorce. i won't get into all that. he needed money. people weren't buying his art. >> charlie: everybody read about him. >> i ended up buying three pieces of art from him. e and then about a year later i went to his studio and he was doing a celebration series. i saw this great balloon dog. i thought it was great. so i wanted it. but they didn't have money to fabricate it so i did something i rarely do. i advanced $1 million ahead of time for him to do it. it took six years before i got it but i'm delighted. we buy his work. he currently has one painting for us that he's finishing and two pieces of sculpture. >> charlie: why this? >> well, the rabbit is an iconic figure. that's... there are three others in the world. >> charlie: three others,. >> yes. >> charlie: what does it say to you? >> i smile every time i look at it. >> charlie: it's a continuing friendship and relationship. >> it is. >> charlie: w