board of supervisors will officially declare once this resolution is passed may 22, 2012 as jose julio saria date in the city and county of san francisco. [applause] before we give you an opportunity to say a few words, i one to turn over to my other colleagues on the board. i know some of the other supervisors who have had the honor of being part of we now have as lgbt caucus on the board of supervisors. supervisor wiener: thank you for doing this. for those who don't know, it's hard to overstate -- the first and press, it is hard to overstate your contributions to the community. for those of us who were not born when he ran for the board of supervisors and who now sit on the board of supervisors today, i think we all know and we would be fools to think we were somehow treading new ground because we are only here because we are on your shoulders, because you did the work and others did the work under incredible challenges and oppression, going through things that those of us in this generation today, it's hard to even imagine. because of that groundwork, we are able to be where we are today