the truth is all of those men had been entertained by louisa catherine adams. in fact, one of them went back to his boarding house where he had promised his mess mates that he would not vote for adams on the first ballot and they won't let him sit down to dinner because they are very mature and he -- and he -- they write one of them writes to his wife, everyone says his wife made him do it. his wife was a schuyler. hamilton's sister. >> she instituted something into the subscription system. this is a town where allegiance and attendance are equal. she would hold these parties every tuesday might but you would be invited for the season. so you would accept for invitation for every single tuesday night. you didn't have to go every night but you better not show up anywhere else at anybody else's party and in that way she acted almost as a wit to get on -- yes. >> she had the big ball for jackson hoping that might send him back to tennessee. >> and it did. >> i want to get to in a minute amity but we are right on this moment. franklin roosevelt, of all people, didn'