my add micvice is when they com be just a few of them, we can wipe them out, but there will be just like ants, you come to an ant hill, you mess it up, more and more come up. that's the way they are going to be. so my advice is when they come, be nice to them, treat them well. there will be just a few of them, wouldn't be able to find a way of making a living so we'll take them into our lodges, feed them, clothe them, get them our daughters as wives. their children will have the blood of the white eyes and the blood of the crow indian and they will be strong. yes, they will be strong. they will use the white man's way, white man's thinking ability, and white man's ways of inventing things. we will use those things, also we will use our own way as the first maker had given us to learn how to live here on mother earth. so, if we follow these things diligently, with intelligence, resourcefulness, that we will eventually have created a good li life. that we will join in the white man's manifest destiny of making this part of the world known as mother earth as the most powerful riches, everla