a good study in prauovidencepro rhode island, that see churches as civic agencies as well as religious institutions. priests would stand up on sunday and preach about social issues we're politicizing and are debated in public live at the typh. churches provided spaces for the immigrants, italian imgrnlts, polls in chicago. they provided space for them to develop ideas, get practice engaging in civic activities, and they proved to be springboards to wider civic engagements outside of the church. yeah? >> it's not such a roman catholic idea. it's a protestant idea. it tend to influence not so much immigrant behavior as the behavior of native born social reformers who see it as part of their christian mission to provide assistance to the urban core. many of whom are immigrants in this period. the social gospel is coming from a different direction. it's not so much a part of the immigrant direction, it's part of the social reform tradition of the same period. there's an intersection, but it's not something the imgrnlts are engaged in directly to the same extent. so churches encouraged slow