mining and railroad tycoons built magnificent mansions on top nob the grand hotels such as the palace, the st. francis redesigned the skyline. there were three opera houses filled with women in french gowns. it prided itself on nurturing a artists like jack london and mark twain. it had the height ofad sophistication with porcelain bathtubs and velvet covered fatoons, but there was a dark side like poverty, racism, and rats. in addition with the high victorian style of architecture, they had a victorian style of hygiene that consistented of butchers and garbage men hurlini garbage into the bay.ople the little enclave of chinatown, approximately a dozen squareap blocks, ranged along grant street, which was in those days called dupont, sheltered tens of thousands of working poor just p few blocks from the war of wher the rats scuttled into the city. it was vulnerable. the city was set up for plague. like the dispatchers that we've been reading about, and i and my colleagues have been writing about dealing with the sars outbreak from china, this would also produce a cover up, but tha bubonic plague cover