. -- franklin sweenty and chester crestwell. neighbors and family say it does not make sense. >> i still cannot understand today that he's gone. >> the incident remains under investigation. as for the abduction, the other suspect is now in police custody. >> you have most likely heard about the obesity epidemic in america, but a new study asks the question what if every country was as heavy as ours? researchers in london said if the world had the same level of fatness that it would be like adding 1 billion people of the -- population. higherobesity means more weight on energy. >> 3 thin people use a certain amount of energy. it happened to be obese, it would be like four people. they need more energy. in the meantime, a new study of find the majority of cereals marketed to children have gotten healthier. that found some of the healthiest children's cereal, like cheerios, are marketed to parents instead of children. a little stress may actually be good for you. using lab rats, they are tracking key immune cells and into the blood