joining us now is the governor of connecticut, dan malloy. state became the fifth state in five years to abolish the death penalty. governor, great to see you. >> great to be with you. >> i have a couple questions to get us started. the first is, do you think, the death penalty is a very loaded issue, a lot of contentious debate around it. but given the recent trends, the fact that connecticut is the fifth state in five years to abolish the penalty, did so in april, we know that california's going to be tackling the issue in november. a few other states are bandying it about as well. do you think there's enough national attention on this? i wonder about the fallout since you repealed the death penalty. >> a couple things. the fallout i experienced was actually when i was running for governor and i said i would sign a bill doing away with the death penalty, and they tried to beat me like a dog on that issue, made the election particularly close because we had a particularly heinous crime that had been committed and those trials were going on i