. -- dubose palk -- park. one of the things that they say is bad -- is that if you subject ourselves to additional scrutiny, we will get additional taxes. but we know that is illusory because there is very little mills act accessibility in san francisco. we are trying to make it real. so that when people decide whether they want to support creation of an historic district or landmark a building, they will actually know that they can have a access to the mills act if appropriate. i will leave the details to mr. fry, but i would be honored to have support for europe -- your support for the legislation. i worked very closely with staff. they have proposed some amendments in a letter. we're evaluating those. they seem like they're probably find. but we will need time for the board to carefully consider them and hopefully introduce some good amendments. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. tim fry, department staff. i would like to quickly walk you through the background of the mills act pr