. >> good morning, commissioners, maria lombardo. i will be brief, highlighting primarily some upcoming community of reach. i do want to follow on a few remarks that the chair just made. we are still in limbo about a federal surface transportation bill. unlike our committee, the conference committee that has been set up is having its proceedings in secret, so there is not much information available. senator boxer is chairman of the committee and said that they have until the first of june to come up with a compromise. we are keeping close tabs on that. when we get information, we will be able to see how it affects san francisco. the governor released some worsening news on the state budget deficits, which has grown significantly, primarily due to lower than anticipated revenues. on the transportation side, the news has not then as bad as it could have been. the loan proposal that could have affected transportation right now is to transfer some of the off-road diesel fuel revenues. this is permissible, according to the fuel tax swap.