you know, when i watched the commercials and i saw mr. oreck there, and he's doing the commercials and stuff like that, you know i thought of, this guy's telling me the truth, because he was talking from his heart, it was "his", and i always thought of, there was this vacuum cleaner, there was that vacuum cleaner, and then there was the oreck. so when i heard about the oreck proshield plus, i'm thinking, gee, that's the way i'm gonna go because they're not gonna do anything half-way. they're not gonna do anything partial. they're not gonna do anything sub-standard. if they do something, if they get into something, they're going to do it right. everyone is always telling me how great the carpet cleaning products are, how wonderful the vacuum cleaners are, and now i've had the opportunity to try the proshield plus and it's amazing. i'm totally sold on all their products. it's just great. i think, everyone out there, when they hear the oreck name, they're gonna identify with them, they know that when they, when they spend their money, which is som