china still has to resolve this kind of divergent trajectory of the economic development which is plurallistic, increasingly capitalistic and political change which is much slower. much more reliant still on the authority of the single dominant party. and the legacy of the square is still to be confronted by the chinese leaders. >> go back to 1977 to 981 when you were national security advisor. what was the best decision you made back then and what was the worse. >> if i say my decisions i have to qualify that immediately. they weren't my decision, they were the president's decisions. though i had some input into some of them. more in some cases and less in other cases. i think the right thing that were done were of course the decision to resolve the panama canal problem. we would have had guerrilla warfare on panama canal even though the republicans opposed it. i think we were right in moving firmly on the middle eastern peace process. and we accomplished at least one major breakthrough. we broke the solid phalanx of the arab states surrounding israel by facilitating the first peace treaty be