sheila spicer changed my life. she said you can write. you know which are doing but she tried to put me in on his class and change me into the honors class but i haven't conflict she couldn't switch. she said you'll see in this corner the entire year, ignore everything i do, you'll see in the corner and do the honors were. what she was saying to me was you will thank me later. that's exactly what i did. 12 years later, a decade later when my first novel was published, i went out and i would her classroom in junior high school and i knocked on the door and i said to her. she said can i help you? she didn't recognize the. the last time i had a full head of hair. i wrote this book and is for you. i handed her this book and she's quite. i said why are you crying? she said i was going to retire this year because i didn't think i was having an impact in the. i said are you kidding? we have one teacher. she had no idea of her impact on my life. here's the best part. this part isn't in the book. last summer she retired, and as a surprise i want t