. >> my theory is that it does hurt, the medal, the purpose, the obltive, the honor for people falsely, to go around saying that they have this medal when they don't, okay? so i might be wrong about that. but what i'm trying to get to, i want as big a list as i can to think about what the less restrictive alternatives are. >> the military can redouble its efforts at honoring those who, in fact, are sbiet 8d to the awards. there was a congressional theory that the military has been laxed in awarding them medals. so that can be done. the government can publicize the names of true winners. it could create educational programs to let the nation know what it takes to win these awards. >> how about giving a medal of shame for those who have falsely claimed to earn the medal of valor. >> well, your honor, that's actually certain the government could do. >> oh, not under your theory. i mean, it's still a sanction for telling something that you say is protected under the first amerndment. whether you get six months or a medal of shame doesn't matter under your theory. >> well, there is a signif