this was report tond cnbc "squawk box" this morning, and i must admit when they played that clip it really got my attention because this is one of the things that has bothered me since september of 2008. i see a lot of parallels as we cruise into this summer season with the summer of 2008. gas prices have moderated so perhaps you can move that off the table a little bit. but similar situations, presidential election year coming up, the economy in tough shape, hasn't recovered. and we see all this stuff happening in europe. so you said on page three of your testimony down right at the bottom of the page, you said you're prepared to take action if needed. can you outline for us very briefly maybe what the top three steps are if that action is needed, items that you have there? >> sure. first of all, we're already taking some actions, important actions, notably that we are working to ensure that banks have adequate capital and i w l liquidi liquidity. and as i noted, banks are now much better capitalized than they were prior to lehman, which is helpful. >> can i ask you a question about that?