only turkish can be a monotonic according to the example, but this is stipulated in article article xlii but he does not an unchangeable article. so you can change this article and go your own way to the democratization without rewriting the constitution overall without having a totally new constitution. there's also an article i transaction, which is the article that stipulates or guarantees some form of extreme centralization and the administration and puts all units of regional government or local government under the tutelary control of the essential authorities in opera. this article could also be changed and there's a way for a legal reason for doing ascus turkey has to sit cherry to the european charter of local government. and if you fully implement this and change the article i to seven in the constitution, the kurdish demand for local democratic autonomy can be met with further implications for democratization of turkish society and a broader sense. so this problem could also be solved easily without changing the constitution totally. on the other hand, we have this article lxv