i stuck pieces of plastic and metal together for a company for apico. was not smiling like this woman was. i hated the job. it was hot and boring, b working there made me eager to get good grades in school so i might have other choices. and four yearsge later i got a job as a researcher at a tv station. one day they needed someone to cover a fire and no one was around. it became a career. i say surprise because i never planned to be a tv reporter. i never watched tv news and never took journalism. that's why i thinkm you interns are doing thea right thing, experimenting with careers, figuring out what you like and what you are good at and what you are not good at. i have one other piece of advice for you, it is important to keep showing up, apply for the job you want. if you don't get it, apply again. job seekers often assume companies areom organized or there is a personnel office who carefully evaluates each applicant. people drop off resumes and wait to hear. but often that's works. often companies are disorganized. they don't want to spend any money