she was engaged to brunton. do please cover him up.n he disappeared, she became ill and left. >> well, i shall want to see her. i shall want to see that young woman also. sergeant. all right, take this away. >> doctor, please. >> the local inspector, holmes-- >> if you could find a plausible explanation for him, to avoid publicity in this wretched-- >> i must confess that, so far, i am disappointed in my investigation. i had reckoned upon solving the matter when once i had found the place referred to in the ritual. but now that i'm here, i am as far as ever from knowing what it was your family concealed with such elaborate precautions. >> but you've solved my mystery of brunton. >> yes, but how? how... did his fate come upon him? and what part has been played by the woman who's disappeared? >> i, um, should explain holmes' methods in such cases. he puts himself in the man's place, having first gauged his intelligence. then he tries to imagine how he himself would have proceeded in similar circumstances. >> in this case, brunton's intel