dorcas cannot do that. -- dore codes cannot do that. >> matter michelle is perhaps the most famous in her profession. she knows exactly who comes and goes in her house, but she has a problem. she feels disadvantaged and uneducated, so she uses every three minutes she has to read and broaden her horizons. this parisian newspaper has fought for almost a century for the rights of concierges. >> some residents treat the concierge like a slave, but concierges have rights. they have the right to sleep through the night without being constantly disturbed. >> the students are hearing about the balance of rights and duties in this job. >> the most important thing is communication. the concierges have to have a close relationship with the residents but must keep their distance. they have to be le to listen at the right time, but they must retain respect. >> he would like to work as a concierge in an up-market residents -- residence. >> i see a good future ahead of me. i imagine we will live here somewhere and not willing have children. then our children can discover paris. a flat and a secure j