it's two years to the month since 32 year old kevin gatson lost part of his left legg pnded his army afghanistan. gatson says:: definitely life changing experience to bb an amputee but the way i look at it - life goes on pis first time on a boat was cruise. this year he bbought his mom and brother for their firrt boot trip. gatson says: ddfffrrnt perspective and it's nothing that i feee that i just can't do because 'm injured avis says: the patriot cruise started in 2207 with one iraq war veterrn andd his wife who took a handful of woonded warriors out for a day on one has eally grown sinne then and his ear more than 60 wounded warriors signed up for a ddy on tte water. llst &pmarine sst who was a quadrupl &pamputee. ttis year jeffery redman joins thee one day before he learns if his left leg issso damaged it will have to be amputated. redman says: get away from hinking about what actually might happen rrserve speciilist may agurto sits on her host boat barely one onth after a grenade launcher hit the ttuuk he was sstttng in n afgganistan. much noise or too many crowds." she