ladies and gentlemen, john hikenlooper. >> thank you mayor hogan, it was beautiful. i know you have had as little sleep as i have, makes it all the more impressive. colorado is a good place filled with good people. but as you said, we will not -- we will refuse to let our state, our communities to be defined irrational senseless violence. the holocaust survivor victor frank, a man who certainly paid deep loss said, if there is meaning in life at all, then there must be meaning in suffering. so what are ways to make of suffering of such violence? what possible meaning can it have? wiser people than myself and philosophers certainly may have the answer. but may be no more complicated than a stranger reaching out to another person or hugging your kids a little tighter, remembering to tell the people closest to you that you love them. as we gather here today, holding close to each other, we remember those who died on july 20th and honor the heros and we continue to seek ways to help giving as a way financial contributions can go to help support those survivors