it also affects five other unitst. he deck is going there. they will be affected the same way. they have direct line of sight, privacy issues. this is also a very narrow at neuss tunnel. it is very narrow and everything that goes in this area. -- echoes in this area. we would like to argue that this deck is not legal. only if there is no increase in discrepancy. the current code says that a structure in a rear yard cannot occupy any space within 15 feet of the death of a lot or the property line. -- depth of the lot or the property line. it is closed to all of our units. a later interpretation of that section, adding neuss on to noncompliant structure by returning a shed into a deck was a discrepancy. their rear yard is an amenity for all residents of the building. when someone tried to turn it into private use, it was denied because it was a discrepancy. clearly, we think this is not legal under code. it also affects numerous people in the neighborhood. [inaudible] you will see that everyone around here, the red building is 1490. our people are directly concerned. i also have