next we have a chef, wilhelmina bell, she is the head of children's village. they eliminated all processed food from their menu and they served fresh and seasonal foods wherever possible. she was honored by the american culinary association. we also have wilhelmina bell, director of education at the national wildlife federation. in her business, she emphasizes the important of well-being and structured play. we have maxine jones -- she serves students with disabilities and has a curriculum focused on health and wellness. from school nutrition to physical education curriculum, community support, that is the focus of the school. the experience in the education field is also included. special education, coordinators and dean of students. we are also joined by fran meyer. she was an educator with great experience as a teacher, administrator, researcher, also in professional development. the american alliance for health and physical education. recreation and events. she works on policy and programs development that are coordinated and comprehensive art education. w