laying off policemen, there's a spike in crime, and if there's a main-- i need to find out which adam lashinskyith the heart that cares about every cause or the financial genius, the one that understands that the math doesn't add up. >> there's nothing inaccurate what you're saying and i'm not saying this isn't a problem, i just repeat. five municipalities out of 50,000 is not -- it is not the worst crisis. >> you're right. i mean, we're talking about a minuscule amount of municipal bonds and the taxpayers get screwed a lot of ways because most hold those bonds and-- >> and you and i agree, by the way, charlie, is that a bankruptcy is not good for anybody, and point out-- >> adam, the reason why that those, those municipalities have fiscal problems, the ones that do, take out the outliar, the guy that -- the one that screwed up on the deal. the reason why, taxes are high. businesses are fleeing california and all you have to do is look at-- >> taxes are high, dagen, i want to get back to you, taxes are high, the obligations, the housing market takes care of itself ultimately, but these obligati