so this is a famous study that was performed by eduardo biziac a neuropsychologist from milan, and he asked his right hemisphere stroke patients to imagine the central cathedra square, in the value of milan, from their hospital beds, just imagine thinking about that square, and he said imagine looking at the square from this viewpoint, right towards the cathedral. and tell me what you can remember about the square. and those patients could recollect the roads, the cafes, the shops on the right-hand side of the square but they neglected to mention the stores, the roads on the left hand side. so neglect also occurs for mental imagery, just being able to draw up a picture of a scene, but biziac was clever, imagine you walked to the cathedral and you look back at us from the door so now looking back at us. what can you remember about the square now? >> and remarkably these patients would say that they could recollect things on the side of the square that just had been, they had just been neglecuud so from that vantage point, left and right is reversed, they could remember things that they