first, todd will review the rates, and then joanne ellis will join us to talk about the public education. this is the agenda for today's workshop. i know some of you are probably thinking about the question that you asked in workshop one or two and wondering when i will get to it. we will start out with a brief reminder of the questions and i will tell you the reader's digest version. then the presentation itself will match them in the order that we go through them. the program manager will follow my presentation and he will be going through the project options and so that we have that for the record. and we can refresh and look at the great green question. and as we did in a frock -- the prior workshops, we will have a positive * track discussions -- specific times to have discussions. it has worked pretty effectively in the past. with that, we will begin the meat of the workshop. these are the questions. the first one is whether the ssip should change the goal to integrate green and gray infrastructure and to minimize flooding. we agree that a joy. we will get more on this item. -- we