i've been staying out of trouble, working with francisco. ñwe do not have jobs long enoug, just one yearhad a job up in the mountains for about a month. it is not long enough. we're just trying to stay out of trouble. we need jobs for the community. all you see every day is shootings, keep the kids out of trouble. they're trying to do what they can do. the police, all they're trying to do is send us back to jail. i do not know, man. we need jobs to survive around here. president moran: thank you very much. >> [inaudible] president moran: thank you for talking tos3s3qrÑ us. at next meeting, we will be talking about the source system improvement program. part of that discussion will be looking at options for advancing the schedule. thank you very much for coming here. we do recognize the impact that we have on jobs. i appreciate your comments. >> excuse me, i wanted to make a few comments. for those of you who attended to advocate for kimmitt -- for opportunities, i think it is important for me to add the knowledge that even though you are here at the puc, there&,g lot of opportunities thr