mircea eliade talked about - from the university of chicago - talked about sacred and profane as modes of being in the world, two distinct modes. sacred, of course - and when we talk about the experiential dimension, we'll definitely be talking about the sacred - is the nonordinary; the transcendent, the wholly distinct. and we're going to talk about different kinds of religious experience. anybody been to a sacred space and you walk in and have a sense of something, well, just flat-out different? anybody? sure. some examples. >> well, you were talking about jerusalem, israel before. and i'm jewish, but we went to the church where christ - the nativity, and many of his churches - and it is awe-inspiring. but what i wanted to bring out, too, is that the religions all seem to flourish in jerusalem; the religions don't seem to have problems with each other - it's the nationalities and the people that have the problems. i mean, even their social life is very similar, in many ways, but it seems that we seem to blame religion in a lot of cases, and it's not religion at all - it's territory,