. -- palpaulette brown. i lost my son to homicide. yesterday was the anniversary of his death, august 14th. and still no justice. i'm here to say that i am talking for all of the mothers out there. i know i do not have a lot of time. why are we wasting money with their hot unsolved homicide cases out there? our families are hurting. we need justice. we waste money and time trying to convict the share of something. there are people out there committing crimes and killing people and they're not been convicted of anything. our children are still dying. you have loved ones whose parents are grieving. what do we do about these unsolved homicide cases? what do we do about it. -- about it? there is my child. i will never again see a graduation in my life. there is me standing over my son. and here is me lay on a gurney, dead. the sheriff was there when our children were murdered. give him credit. we forgive our perpetrators that have murdered our children. what about the forgiveness of our children? [tone] why are you doing this? let him do