. >> william casler from the tinkler, which was a movie. william castle did a bunch of gimmick movies. ♪ >> good evening. i am former united states senator and recidivist presidential candidate, might rebel. out of common decency and a court order, i am obliged to warn you that the 3-d reason.tv videos you are about to view are not only terrifying, but real. members of the audience susceptible to seizures, high blood pressure and politically induced rage should i exit their browsers now. children, pregnant women and fiscally responsible adult should consult an accountant before watching these videos. if you feel your head is about to explode at any time, you may obtain immediate relief by screaming, don't be embarrassed to open your mouth and let it rip with all you've got. remember, a scream at the right moment just might save your life in your country's future. ♪ >> i am nick gillespie and i want study until more terrifying than rahm emanuel gave deeply if you dare. since world war ii, federal revenue as average ride around 18 gross domest