were young we truly loved cinema including real estate and so did films like those made by siri eisenstein or several of. ophelia. no. different you see for us me and then two new me were almost contemporary directors we had a thing with a great russian cinema there which other journalist if you will she will acquit we started shooting this film it felt as if we were young against the black and white film rekindle the old flame the passion we had for the great black and white cinema by say dryer or eisenstein the state in this respect our film was indeed inspired by the old cinema but only as a flashback of our younger days. it was only through black and white that we could tell this particular story. because. it was a story. you and your brother both used to be journalists. i would suppose a lot like i am so i would suppose that that when you doing something like this like this movie there's some sort of a message you want to convey to the public what was the d.c. compassion. what. to say it is the postman who brings the message. don't try to convey messages but indeed there is this is a