the point is, unions in theory could close a budget gap if they do what garrisi saying, raising the wages, by the state tax rate and in the short return, that could help close a gap. in the long run, the jobs are going to states that aren't like michigan, which would be wisconsin and other states. so it couldn't work for the state. michigan has to get on board with the people, i mean, through those that don't have unions. >> does it matter? union participation rates are going like this. >> you used my-- and you know, brenda, the measures have no place in the the political process and no place on the ballot, but let the workers decide if they want to join a union nell' do it. the reason why union participation is less than 50% of what it was in this country. unions need to reinvent themselves to make themselves relevant to the process and fighting and spending, now, over 100 million dollars was spent in wisconsin, that could have been the poor education student and 10 million of taxpayer money, michigan cannot afford to waste that money in a political debacle like they did in wisconsin. >>