. >> the new lindberg and such an explorer.n zarrella joins us live from washington. you were at the memorial service today for neil armstrong, john, and such historical significance to the tribute today and get me up to speed on that. >> yeah, you know, one of the things that you sit there, ashleigh, and you see, wow, all of these men that we are seeing, we probably won't have an opportunity to see them all in the same room again. jeanne s gene cernan, who was the last man to walk on the moon spoke haltingly and eloquent ly about his very, very good friend neil armstrong and talked about how you saw in the piece, it was all about the team, and that is the way that neil was, about team and never about him. so, you know, i talked to walt cunningham, apollo 7, and walt cunningham told me just like you saw in the piece a lot of people could have landed on the moon and done that, the first man on the moon, but only neil was the only one in their group, cunningham said, who could have carried himself so well after the fact. >> and s