. -- maureen daggett. my son and his wife are friends of russ. am also a longtime san franciscan. one thing that catches my attention is when the mayor testified. he said that he based his suspension on the declaration by madison commissioner -- by madison. commissioner renne, when that first came up, he said he thought it would poison the well and we should throw it out. madison was never called to testify. so that contradicts the idea that9jÑ russ is being tried here again for what he pled guilty for. there have been several of you saying here today -- [tone] that they wished that he had said this or done that since that time that this had taken place that -- taken place. that would have made things go away. those are not the things he's being tried for. he comes from a good family. he is a good man. he has been voted three times by the electorate of san francisco. [tone] he served and then he was reelected -- [no audio] >> thank you, ma'am. thank you for your comment. >> i moved from here on 33 years ago with my family because i found my count