most folks around here &premember,,,and not pondly...wwen we heard cheers at m&t bankstadium whennky bolleeseptember of's still a raw memory in baltimore...and yesterday we saw omethhng very similar.. chiefs quarterback natt cassel is not a popular man in kaycee these days,and when he was slammed by the rrvens &phaloti ngata and did not get pp, cheers could be heard coming from the could hear it clearly on tv.. and apparentty on the sideline teammate didn't appreciate it.. at all.... 3ii's now time to annoonce the candidates in our high school game of the week contest...brought to ou by varsity sports network dot com.. here'' this week's slate oo games for friiay october 12th...spalding at notre dame prep in volleyball...brradneck visits arunedl in football... st. pauu's hhstt john carroll in football...and arriots ridge travelssto river hill in that'll do it for this edition of sports unlimited...i'm bruce cunningham...