it's like a chartreuse. when i was a teenager, honeys, i had a chartreuse convertible. you could see that thing 15 miles down the road, okay? and you know why you could see it so well? because most of the light from the sun is that color, and guess what we have evolved to see best of all? take a guess. - yellow green. - yellow green. we used to call it chartreuse. is that what why they paint fire trucks that color these days? did you notice that, paul? what are the new fire trucks? they used to be red. what are the new ones? - yellow green. - yellow green. and why they be yellow green, honey, huh? why? because you want to see those things coming down the road. and so they find you and said, "hey, let's paint them a color that human beings can see the most." and, yeah. do you notice the color of your street lights? what color they'd be, gang? - yellow. - yellow. a little greenish, a little yellow greenish, mostly yellow, right? why the streetlights yellow? they used to be incandescent lamps that used to glow white. now, they're making them yellow. one strong reason it ha