departments, can sort through, so that the arts commission is not damaged irrep rehably by -- irrep rehabbably we really are hopeful that that can happen. there was another issue that came up in that contract which has to do with tickets. but since the arts commission had made known to -- since the grand jury made known to the arts commission that there indeed was this problem with not reporting properly the disposition of these... the matter seems to be resolved, that we've been notified that the arts commission now properly records and notifies how it disposes -- sorry. so in essence, in closing, i'd just like to say that there is no doubt that the reputation and promise of the arts commission, in recent years, has been tarnished, that the arts commission has taken some steps to correct that, and they are to be commended for that. however, as i've been trying to relate, the arts commission needs to expand itself, in terms of its scope and number, it has to refocus its vision somewhat more on the community than just art organizations that provide programs, it has to ensure administrative exce