one, sugata mitra about self-organizing systems and learning. and you'll see four or five different models of how networked learning systems respond to this precise issue which is what's the duty of care, what is the, what's the culture that you're trying to transmit, how does it track with what we know about learning. and how does it track with our aspirations for child development. the other is charles ledbetter did a little talk about which includes that model, but it looks at a number of others, and the thesis is very controversial which is the models of learning in the 21st century are not currently ones that are present in industrialized countries. they are present in developing countries. the future is not in industrialized countries, especially in the u.s. where we have this clotted and mobilized, highly-paralyzed institutional structure that, basically, won't let anything that rick proposes happen. let's just stipulate that, right? [laughter] the minute you start to, the minute that you start to change one moving part, it's like my back