some think he went to quirigua on a raid to capture sacrificial victims, but something goes wrong. the king of quirigua, one cauac-sky, erects a giant stela claiming to have performed the axe event on the king of copan. eighteen rabbit is captured by cauac-sky, who sacrifices him in 738 and then never ceases to brag about it afterwards. all of his monuments -- which become much larger and more grandiose, even though his political system is a fairly small one -- mention the fact that he captured the glorious king of copan, eighteen rabbit. keach: by erecting stelae, cauac-sky capitalizes on the sacrifice. his prestige increases and his tiny kingdom grows, but he does not take over copan. he simply does not have the manpower to conquer the larger kingdom. at copan, not much happens. life for most people goes on as before. a new king is installed, but he keeps a low profile. he erects no temples or stelae. but archaeologists imagine that behind the scenes the royal family is busy trying to figure out how to restore their lost prestige. they settle on an imaginative scheme -- a media c