the amount of alcohol -- if you could have some sort of regulation on that, and i have spoken to tom amano who is the chair of the public safety and he is very happy to create some trailing legislation, so i don't think that we should let this drop because this is one of the biggest problems that i hear about from community members and i think if we have the ability to create some change we should pursue this and put our heads together and work on that. >> okay. so maybe we want to agendize this as an item later on when we have some focus on where to go. okay. >> i have one question. i don't know if staff or you remember the impala. was that the club when i first joined the commission they were applied for a license and there were issues over them not being forth right about their backgrounds on the license? was that the one? >> i don't remember that being the case, but there were a number of partners involved so it might be a question who was -- >> yeah. and i wonder how many poetry readings -- >> i don't know if that was the one. >> okay. any public comment on the police comments and que