and then we can invite walter rosencrans. okay. >>> great. hello, my name is david steyn or dan steyn, whatever. i live at 19th and dolores and i'm thrilled for the first time to address my honorable board of sups. it's something i care about, smog free, one way transportation. my family has been utilizing san francisco's public and private transportation options here continually since the 1880s, which was before the ferry building was even in operation. so, when i retired in 2009 i purchased a little beach pad down in san diego and i expected san diego to be a little behind us. but i admit i was shocked when it turned out i would be the guy who introduced recycling to my building. but last year i decided to up my green game here and i gave away my hybrid. here in san francisco we have lots of zero emission transportation options. muni, bart, and when i need a car i ask to borrow a friend's. down in san diego i assumed i'd have to rent a smoggy car when i visit there. imagine my happy day when this white smart cart went by with a label on it.