>> this is actually a sculpture of icarus by artist andrew logan. he's on a winch, so he goes up and down through our stairwell all throughout the day. >> wow. that's so cool. >> yeah. >> in greek myth, icarus was the guy who ignored his father's warnings and flew too close to the sun. he crashed. [ crash! ] anyway, back to the museum. the exhibits are as unusual as they are colorful. for example, these pieces of art are made from beads -- the kind people wear at mardi gras celebrations. >> our museum, carly, is dedicated to visionary art, and that's actually art made by self-taught artists. these artists were inspired by a voice or a vision that they had -- something that inspired them just to create. a fire inside of them. >> and some of these artists were inspired to create some pretty strange things. this certainly looks like a throne that would be any king's crowning glory, but look closer. it's made out of nothing more royal than bottle caps. there's so much to see here, that we asked the founder of the museum to show us the top five things th