larry and barry reynolds gary shilling and others were all involved but here are some highlights i got to catch from the sidelines just to give you some some great tips so i asked john malden chairman of modern economics why not go off of the fiscal cliff is deficit reduction in fact according to folks like this a video taken as to what he said. we in fact want to reduce the deficit if we want to get it done or we have a surplus the real issue is how fast do we want to do that and the answer is not very fast got seven kids i don't want to see unemployment rate should have been more among the twenty and thirty somethings it's difficult enough yeah i mean we just have to go slow and steady we can't do it all at once we can't not do it we're going to have to eat our broccoli we're going to have to eat our vegetables but you know let's do it not trying to wolf it down not trying to you know push into this. or feed it to the dog we have to slowly and surely work our way. way back to fiscal sanity all right so there's has taken them bloomberg economists richie and ron had a really interestin