of their administrative offices and other activities related to bca's mission. and possibly develop a restaurant and cafe. on april 12 -- i'm sorry, on april 10, 2012, this commission authorized staff to put out an rfp or request for public offering for a restaurant renovation and operator. the port, we did extensive advertising, extensive outreach, and we received no offers. the building has been vacant for seven years. i have shown the building myself during that time. and we have received no offers. under the report's resale policy, it does require a competitive bid. if it's retail, which their proposed restaurant would follow in line with that. however, there is an exception that the policy provides for, for direct negotiations if port staff determines that a public offering would be impractical and impossible. we feel that the seven years that the property sat vacant and the fact that we did a public offering with extensive outreach, our conclusion is it is impractical and we would request your permission to do a sole source direct negotiation with bca for