. >> this fruit, the carambola or starfruit also has a medicinal effect. we sell quite a lot of it. good for diabetics. >> healthy and tasty. two good reasons to make a pit stop at the rodriguez family's fruit stand off highway 45. >> the growing demand for fish could soon push global stocks to the brink. one way of increasing a catch is to increase the size of nets or tighten the mesh to catch smaller fish. it's a practice that costs fishermen dearly in the next season, when too little fish have survived to replenish stocks. now one italian fisherman has chosen a radically different approach in a bid to prevent over-fishing. paolo faciulli is a campaigner for sustainable fishing methods. he wants to educate people who scarcely think twice about where their fish come from. global 3000 followed him out to sea. >> a sleepy little fishing village on italy's west coast. paolo fanciulli looks like an ordinary fisherman -- but impressions can be deceiving. he hauls in fish -- and people, too. he's taking these tourists out on his fishing boat, the sirena, and telling them about the fish i